Start writing a code or creating a design only if you do not know another way to find out if your product is needed.

The minimum viable product (MVP) is a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers, and to provide feedback for future development. There are many arguments around this concept, but the idea is quite obvious: understand as early as possible that your product is needed. The definition of this strategy speaks for “the minimum set of features required to run and test the product.” It also has to be finished faster and with minimal costs involved. But what would you do if nobody needs this product with the set of features you implemented?

That’s why MVP is not about the product, but rather about a strategy. A strategy to avoid building products that people do not need. You can test key assumptions about the product without writing a line of code. Even without a wireframe. A product must solve a specific problem and be useful first and foremost, before design is even considered. That’s where proper research comes into play.

But if you still built a product that nobody needs – forget it and let it go. Eventually, MVP can be somewhere around “unfortunately, it did not work out, but fortunately, I did not spend much time and efforts”.


Designing User Experience for MVP

For some people, the first version of the product doesn’t need to be nice and perfect. Just go ugly early with one killer single-feature, so you can test your concept and find out what market actually really want before you spend more money on it. Yes, we know this as minimum viable product or MVP.

But that doesn’t mean your product literally ugly or minimum. It means you have to deliver qualities along with your one killer single-feature. The qualities include how the users will feel and experience the product. The goal is to play the emotion of the users. Yes, it’s a good first impression that we want to create. Here are some tips that you might consider.

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15 ways to test your MVP

Though the MVP provides a means to test hypotheses as a starting point, it does not imply that it is easy to build. The idea behind this exercise is not to see if the product can be built in terms of technical feasibility. Rather, it is to see whether you should be building it in the first place and, more importantly, whether it’s solving a problem other people find worth paying for.

Time and money are valuable resources and wasting them on building a product that doesn’t meet that criteria is out of the question. MVP tests are designed not just to answer technical questions about the product, but also to test fundamental business hypotheses about the viability of the market it exists in.

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How to Build an App MVP to Launch Your Business

Airbnb. Instacart. Wayfair.

Each of these three companies is worth billions of dollars. What is the common denominator among these three companies? They all solved a problem that people cared about. They started small before growing nationwide. And they found market fitment for their business by creating a bare-bones version of their product, known as a minimum viable product, or MVP.

Learn the value of creating an app MVP:

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