Confirmation bias

One of the most dangerous cognitive bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one’s beliefs or hypotheses. It is known as confirmation bias.

We do not like to make mistakes. We explain the reasons for a certain mistake or behavior based on our own beliefs. Instead of testing the hypothesis, we try to confirm we are right. Then we select the data that corresponds to our point of view. Even with the same information, the interpretation can be biased. We often see a connection where it does not exist. Confirmation bias affects our perception of the world and leads to incorrect research results.

Instead of testing ideas in a one-sided way, focus on other possibilities and consider alternatives. Try to see why you are wrong, look for errors:

– What am I doing wrong?
– What’s the worst thing about our service?
– What do you dislike about our product?

The propensity to confirmation is based on the limitations of human ability to handle complex tasks and cutting paths where possible. In other words, it affects how easily the idea becomes an opinion. The task of product designers is to correctly process complex information and find the easiest way to form opinions about a product or service.


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