Mental notes

  1. We tend to follow the patterns of similar others in new or unfamiliar situations.
  2. When teased with a small bit of interesting information, people will want to know more!
  3. Our brains seek ways to organize and simplify complex information, even when there is no pattern.
  4. We judge our past experiences almost entirely by their peaks (pleasant and unpleasant) and how they ended.
  5. It’s easier to recognize things we have previously experienced than it is to recall them from memory.
  6. We feel the need to reciprocate when we receive a gift.
  7. We remember and respond favourably to small, unexpected and playful pleasures.
  8. When making decisions, we rely too heavily — or anchor — on one trait or piece of information.
  9. Aesthetically pleasing designs are often perceived as being easier to use.
  10. We have much better recall of the first and last items within a list.
  11. We desire to act in a manner consistent with our stated beliefs and prior actions.
  12. We delight in challenges, especially ones that strike a balance between overwhelming and boring.
  13. We value things when they cost more.
  14. We hate losing or letting go of what we have (even if more could be had).
  15. When scanning new visual information, we are unconsciously drawn to things that stand out against their surroundings.
  16. The way in which issues and data are stated can alter our judgement and affect decisions.
  17. Subtle visual or verbal suggestions help us recall specific information, influencing how we respond.
  18. We tend to develop a preference for things merely because we are familiar with them.
  19. We are engaged by situations in which we see our actions modify subsequent results.
  20. Where there is interest, people like to amass units that add to or complete a set.
  21. Given a choice between action and inaction, a limited time to respond increases the likelihood that people will participate.
  22. We infer value in something that has limited availability or is promoted as being scarce.
  23. Vision trumps all other senses and is the most direct way to perception.
  24. People seek opportunities to express their personality, feelings or ideas.
  25. We make sense of a new idea or conceptual domain by likening it to another.
  26. Our brains are aroused by new and unexpected discoveries (within our normal routines).
  27. We’re more likely to make a choice when there are fewer options.
  28. “Random“ rewards make powerful motivators; they seem scarce and unpredictable (and they’re less likely to conflict with intrinsic motivation).
  29. We naturally desire things that are perceived as exclusive or belonging to a select few.
  30. Elements that are connected by uniform visual properties are perceived as being more related than elements that are not connected.
  31. We care more deeply about personal behaviors when they may affect how peers or the public perceive us.
  32. We want to follow the lead and advice of a legitimate authority.
  33. Information grouped into familiar, manageable units is more easily understood and recalled.
  34. Perception of time is subjective.
  35. We tend not to change an established behavior (unless the incentive to change is compelling).
  36. We constantly assess how interactions either enhance or diminish our standing relative to others and our personal best.
  37. Recurring events create sustained interest, anticipation and a sense of belonging.
  38. Things that are close to one another are perceived to be more related than things that are spaced farther apart.
  39. We are more likely to take action when complex activities are broken down into smaller tasks.
  40. To teach something new, start with the simplest form of the behavior; reinforce increasingly accurate approximations of the behavior.
  41. Humorous items are more easily remembered — and enjoyed!
  42. We are engaged by and more likely to recall things that appeal to multiple senses.
  43. We learn by modeling our behavior after others.
  44. When sharing the same environment, we’ll strive to attain things that cannot be shared.
  45. We seek out situations where we can exert influence or control over something.
  46. We need small nudges placed on our regular paths to remind and motivate us to take action.
  47. The closer a collection is to being complete, the more we desire collecting all pieces.
  48. All our decisions are filtered through a story — real or imagined — that we believe.
  49. We are more likely to engage in activities in which meaningful achievements are recognized.
  50. We crave certainty and are more likely to take action if specific information is available.
  51. We more highly value goods or services once we feel like we own them.
  52. Our brains will force a connection between any two items shown together or in sequence.
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